Can Jinn and Humans get married?



The origin of the word Jinn

Ibn Duraid said:

The summary of what he said is that: what is covered from us is usually called Jinn. That is why Jinn and Janna (paradise) have the same root because both are hidden from us, and that is why Jinn was called this. This is also the opinion of Imam ibn aqīl al-Hanbali.

The types of Jinn

Ibn Abd al-Barr said: The jinn, according to the people of speech and knowledge of the tongue [the scholars of Arabic language], are classified into ranks: if they mention the jinn exclusively; They said: Jinn, and if they see that he is one of those who live with people; They said: Amer and the plural are Ammar. If he is exposed to boys: They said: spirits. if he is malice and exposed; They said: Satan, if more than that and has more strength; They said: Ifrit.

There are traditions that mention that jinn have types and from those types are dogs, bats, and scorpions and there is a type [which is most likely the more famous one] that is like wind in the air.

But the problem is with understanding these narrations. If we know black dogs come from origins that are animals - his black dog mother -  how come they can give birth to jinn or Shaytaan [the devil] who is not even created the same way as them? Likewise, all the animals mentioned in all of these narrations like camels, scorpions, and so on.

Al-Qadi Abu Ya’la said: If it is asked what is meant by his saying about the black dog (it is a devil) when it is known that it was born from a dog, and likewise his saying about the camel (it is a jinn) when it is born from a camel? The answer is: He only said that by way of likening it to the jinn because the black dogs are the most harmful and the least beneficial, and camels are similar to Jinn in their difficulty to manage.

Were jinn created before Humans according to Islamic tradition?

Abu Hudhaifah Ishaq bin Bishr said in [Al-Mubtada): Al-A’mash told us, on the authority of Bakir Ibn Al-Akhnas, on the authority of Abd Al-Rahman bin Sabit Al-Qurashi, on the authority of Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas, he said: Jinn were created two thousand years before Adam.

Al-Hakim included this athar in his book Al-Mustadrak and corrected it (Sahih) on the authority of Ibn Abbas:

Allah swt said: “I am placing a successor on earth.” They said: Will You place in it someone who will work corruption in it, and shed blood, while we declare Your praises and sanctify You?” He said, “I know what you do not know.” [Al Baqara]

[Ibn Abbas explaining these verses said]: And there were two thousand years before he [Adam] was created, the jinnthe sons of the jaan, so they corrupted the earth and shed blood, so Allah sent angels against them who beat them until they threw them into the islands of the seas.

Relying on these two narrations we realize that indeed there was creation before humans who were alive then and that those creations were Jinn like Ibn Abbas (r) said. 

Therefore, it's usually not a problem for a Muslim to believe there was a type of creation that was alive before the prophet Adam.

is it possible for Jinn to get married in general? and can they have sex?

Allah swt said: 

"And [mention] when We said to the angels, "Prostrate to Adam," and they prostrated, except for Iblees. He was of the jinn and departed from the command of his Lord. Then will you take him and his descendants as allies other than Me while they are enemies to you? Wretched it is for the wrongdoers as an exchange. 

Jinn is known to be mukallaf (religiously responsible) what that means is that when they commit a specific act they will get punished for it on the day of judgment like humans are. 

The reason why we know this is that the prophet (S ) has conveyed the message of Islam to them and we know that there are Jinn that are Muslim.

This verse shows us that Allah swt gives them descendants and that they have the ability to have sex between them, as we will mention in the next verses as well. 


[1] since they're Muslim and they are religiously responsible (Mukallaf) for their actions

[2] We can derive from this that they are obliged to get married the way humans are. So, when they are looking to have sex they have to get married or else they must abstain like humans do.

Allah swt said:

In them are women limiting [their] glances, untouched before them by man or jinni – the word in this ayah is the Arabic word "damth" which means sex to the majority of Arabic scholars, so touch here means sex. It's more proof from the Qur'an that they have the ability to have sex and also, to have sex with a different kind of creation that is not Jinn [women of the Janna], which shows us that they have the ability to have sex with humans as well.

Therefore, we understand now that:

[1] Jinn can have sex.

[2] If they can have sex, therefore, they can also get married as they're religiously responsible (Mukallaf)

[3] That they can have sex with other creations that aren't Jinn 

[4] If, they can have sex with them, therefore, they can get married to them as well.

Therefore, we can conclude that they can also have the ability to have sex and get married to humans.

The ruling of marrying a Jinn

First, is it even possible to get married to Jinn if you're a human, and since Jinn is created from fire and humans from clay?

Most scholars say that getting married to a jinn is possible and they use this ayah as evidence: “and become a partner in their wealth and their children" [Isra] and that’s why the prophet ﷺ advises us to say the Basmallah before we go to our wives because if we don't Jinn might get between us and our wife.

The scholars that say it’s impossible, say that the jinn is made of fire, and that makes the human semen stay inside the jinn impossible, and also they will burn humans if they touch them, so how do we make sense of this?

The majority of scholars (jamhuur) answer and say that they were made out of fire but they didn’t stay as their original form like humans didn’t stay as clay. 

And we know that because the prophet said that he found the coldness of the Shaytan that interrupted his salah after he choked him. The prophet wouldn't have felt coldness if Shaytan had stayed in his original fire form. Therefore, we concluded that it's possible in terms of sharia (Qur'an and Sunnah) and also Aql (reason)

Also, it already happened in the past and one of the marriages that already happened they say is the marriage between the parents of Balqis's parents because they say that her mother was from the Jinn like Imam al Shibli said.

If then, we conclude that it is possible to get married to Jinn, let's talk about the ruling of getting married to a Jinn.

As for the ruling on Jinn getting married to humans:

There are two schools:

The first school says that(which is the Hanbali school of thought): in terms of marriage, Allah said there's love and mercy, and that love and mercy are hard to have with a creation that you can not see or rarely see. furthermore, there are narrations of the prophet in which he completely forbids getting married to Jinns.

The second school answers and says: that there is no authentic narration of the prophet where he says that it’s haram. furthermore, the second argument also isn't enough to make it haram as Jinn can turn into a form that looks like a human. 

But, even then, the latter group says that this marriage is makruh (disliked).

There's another view on the ruling of humans and Jinn getting married which is what Allamah Mohammad Hassan Wild al Dewdew said: [...] It's halal for males to get married to female Jinn but it is haram for male Jinn to get married to female humans and the reason for that is from sad al daraaic, because when a woman does zinna and gets pregnant, she can't say it was from a Jinn.

Stories of Jinn marrying humans

Ibn Abi al-Dunya said: Abd al-Rahman told me, Omar told me, Abu Yusuf al-Sarouji told me, he said: A woman came to a man in Medina, and she said: We are staying near you, so marry me, so he married her, and she used to come to him at night in the form of a woman, then she came to him [one day], and she said: It is the time of our departure so, divorce me. So, a while after the divorce, he was walking on some of the roads of the city when he saw her picking up grain that fell from people. He said: Would you sell it? So, she raised her eyes to him, and said: With what eye did you see me? He said: With this. She pointed with her finger at him and then his eye fell out. 

Imam Shibli said: The Qaadi al Qudaat said to us Jalal al-din Ahmad ibn Qaadhi al Qudaat Hizam al-din al razi al Hanafi said: My dad traveled while I was with him so he can bring his family from the east so, when we passed al-Biira [a place] it rained and we had to sleep inside a cave and I was in a group, so while I was sleeping, something wakes me up; Then I noticed that It was a middle-aged woman with one eye open vertically, and so I got really scared, and she said: What is wrong with you, I came to you so you can marry a daughter of mine like the moon, so I said because of my fear of her: For the goodness of God Almighty [She thought that was him accepting]. Then, I looked around me and then there were a group of men coming towards me and I look at them and they all had eyes just like the eyes of the women, all of them opened vertically. They looked like judges. So, the judges got me engaged and we tied the knot, and I accepted, then they got up, and the woman returned with the beautiful girl, except that her eye was like her mother’s eye, and she left her with me and left, so my fear and despair increased, and I kept throwing stones at who was with me [his father and others]; Until they woke up, but no one noticed them, so I turned to supplication and entreaty. When it was time for leaving, we left, and that young woman did not leave me, so this went on for three days, and when it was on the fourth day, the middle-aged woman came to me, and said: As if this young woman is not from your liking? as if you would love for her to leave? I said: Yes, by God. She said: divorce her then, so I divorced her, so I left and I have not seen her yet. 

Therefore, we can conclude that it's possible to get married to Jinn and that it has happened in the past like Allamah Shibli has narrated to us from people he said are trustworthy. Also, it's makruh to get marriage to Jinn according to the majority of Muslim scholars.

and Allah knows best.

Sources/ Further readings



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